Bouquet is a unique and delicate combination of Rose, Jasmin, Hyacinth, Ylang, Carnation, Violet leaves and Gardenia. It can be used in a wide range of fragrances to give a lovely flowery touch when choosing your composition.


CPL Aromas, the world’s largest fragrance-only fragrance house, has launched a new fragrance into its unique AromaFusion technology collection: Bouquet Fusion. The material is available exclusively to CPL Aromas’ perfumers, for use with its customers.


Bouquet is a unique and delicate combination of Rose, Jasmin, Hyacinth, Ylang, Carnation, Violet leaves and Gardenia. It can be used in a wide range of fragrances to give a lovely flowery touch when choosing your composition.   


Christian Provenzano, CPL Aromas’ Master Perfumer and Global Perfumery Director, who played a major role in creating the new material, described the new AromaFusion: “a fresh, multi-floral bouquet with natural green nuances reminiscent of a flower shop”.


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