Featured | 07 June 2021
Drive for water saving technologies on site
Fresh water is a vital resource but the infrastructure and processes of getting water are at unsustainable levels.

We are now at a stage where the available freshwater can’t be turned around quick enough for the increasing demands. To reduce water consumption, throughout 2020 we moved forward with our initiative to implement water saving technologies on site. It is estimated that 5 litres of water are required each time a toilet is flushed and that is why we have implemented water saving devices in toilets at 83% of our category A sites where possible, which are estimated to use 20% less water than a standard toilet.
Since the systems were installed, our site in Brixworth UK, has seen an average reduction of 26%. In addition, considerable amounts of water and energy can be saved at a low cost by installing tap aerators; the aerators can be installed on 95% of taps and can reduce water consumption by 10L per minute without compromising water pressure. Throughout 2020, there has been a drive to fit tap aerators to all suitable taps on site, and so far, 83% of our category A sites have a water saving device fitted where possible.