Elemi resinoid is my favoured ingredient, cherished for its nuanced qualities, ranging from warm woody balsamic facets to peppery and lemony accords.​

Anna Jaramillo, Technical Director & Perfumer based in Spain,  began her journey into chemistry driven by a childhood fascination with the magic aspect of science. With a penchant for smelling everything, from plants at home to the leather of new shoes and the wax on birthday candles, perfumery became the perfect blend for her curiosity.​​

Creating fragrances, for Anna, involves understanding the complex teamwork behind the scenes — trials, applications, performance and stability testing, evaluation sessions, re-works, and compliance with regulatory and technical requirements.​​

Elemi resinoid is Anna's favoured ingredient, cherished for its nuanced qualities, ranging from warm woody balsamic facets to peppery and lemony accords.​​

Beyond perfumery, Anna finds inspiration in museum outings, global travel, and cultural experiences, fostering creativity. She believes in a future for fragrance that emphasises responsibility and sustainability across categories.​