Blumenhaus Collaborator
Laura Barkley

When I'm thinking about a design, the first place I look to inspire me is outside – in my garden, in the park, in the countryside.
- Florist, Laura Barkley
1. Please provide a brief introduction to yourself
My name is Laura, I’m the founder of Sweet Woodruff, a floral design studio based in South East London. I’m a self taught floral creative with a passion for seasonality and sustainability.
2. How do you define your style?
I love colour – the louder the better! But I also prefer a very natural, wild look. There is a big trend in floristry at the moment to use dried or dyed flowers which I think does look incredibly cool, but I prefer to use fresh flowers to keep the overall design very natural. I think you can achieve really unusual, innovative and beautiful arrangements by carefully curating colours and shapes.
3. Where do you source inspiration and which flowers inspire you the most?
My biggest source of inspiration is the natural world around me. When I’m thinking about a design, the first place I look to inspire me is outside – in my garden, in the park, in the countryside. I am inspired by the changes of the seasons, the natural movement and shapes of trees and flowers and draw heavily on that in my designs.
4. If you were a flower, which one would you be? Or do you have a favourite flower?
A toss up between a tulip and a ranunculus. Both arrive in late spring and signal the coming of warmer weather and new growth. I find something so hopeful about that time of year! They come in a myriad of different varieties and colours and shapes each with their own characteristics and scents.
5. Do you hold any scent memories, or wish to share an anecdote related with flowers?
My mum used to fill our house with fresh flowers. She always had them in big vases in our fireplace when we were growing up and in the spring, there would literally be daffodils on every surface of the house!
6. Do you have a favourite garden, place or country related with flowers?
My favourite garden is without a doubt my own. It is a tiny decked terrace where I grow everything in pots but it is my sanctuary. It’s a place of peace but also of exploration and fun – I try my hand at growing a whole host of cut flowers each year and I love seeing what works and what doesn’t work. Ok so there isn’t much space to actually sit down but it looks incredible when they summer comes around.